10855 Silverdale Way NW #3323
Silverdale, WA 98383
GCDirect, a direct marketing firm from Seattle WA, brings its combined experience from across many B2C and B2B business categories and applies sound strategy and creative to reach your goals —and exceed them.
Let's get started. Areas of Interest:
     Marketing Automation
     New Ideas
     Online Marketing
     Offline Marketing
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Click to view project images
Client:  WatchGuard Technologies
Project:  Lead Generation


WatchGuard Technologies has primarily used their channel to develop leads for their products. Not all channel partners were focused on the WatchGuard brand, so a way was needed to get their attention.


Worked with all stakeholders to develop a cross-channel promotion to generate leads and provide them to the channel to drive Watchguard sales. Testing and tracking determined the optimum balance between frequency, communication channels and sales.

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