10855 Silverdale Way NW #3323
Silverdale, WA 98383
GCDirect, a direct marketing firm from Seattle WA, brings its combined experience from across many B2C and B2B business categories and applies sound strategy and creative to reach your goals —and exceed them.
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Client:  Gaylord Security
Project:  Nurture Program


Gaylord Security is an authorized dealer of ADT but still competes against many much larger security players and third-party lead-generators to get leads and close them.


The security business thrives on quickly closing new leads, but many prospects aren’t willing to talk to someone on the phone or commit to purchasing immediately. The automated nurture program allows Gaylord to continue to communicate different benefits over time to win some of the leads that didn’t close during the initial contact, giving their limited marketing resources a hands-off lead development tool.

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